Eight years ago, Hannah’s life suddenly changed when she was hit by a driver running through a red light. Her well-meaning husband found some spare plywood to build her a ramp that lasted for a little while, but with each year it’s deteriorating condition made it more dangerous to use. Finally, Hannah would only use it for emergencies for fear that it would give way at any time.
When SAWs volunteers built Hannah’s ramp, she could hardly contain her excitement. After cutting the ribbon at the top platform, she jubilantly cried, “I have my independence back!” and “Thank you! I love it, I absolutely love it!” as she rolled all the way down to celebrate her newfound freedom by having some lemonade and cookies with the volunteers who built it.
Because SAWs uses only treated lumber and builds to ADA standards, Hannah will be able to use her ramp for many years with the confidence that its sturdy construction will stand the test of time.